World Population Day

Yesterday was World Population Day, which works to make us aware/remind us of the ever growing population of planet Earth. I focused my contemplation of this day mostly on the population of the United States, so my mom and I decided to make a visual using most of our combined doll collections. Each doll is holding the number…

An AG Geography Lesson

Today, May 21st, 2015 is the 111th anniversary of the commencement of Lewis and Clark’s famous journey. Starting near St. Louis, Missouri, they set forth paddling up the Missouri River on May 21st, 1804. President Thomas Jefferson had charged them with the mission of exploring the newly acquired Louisiana Purchase and hoped they would discover a…

American Girl Reference Chart

When I was a little girl the American Girl Collection was pretty simple. I could happily rattle off each doll’s first and last name along with their year (Felicity Merriman, 1774; Kirsten Larson, 1854; Addy Walker, 1864; Samantha Parkington, 1904; and Molly McIntire, 1944). Then came Josefina, then Kit, then Kaya, and my monologue got…